Enchantment as medicine 🌟

By Lian Brook-Tyler

My soul came here with a message… that it *is* possible to live an enchanted life, and not just possible, it’s your human birthright.

And when I say “enchanted”, if you know me at all, you’ll know I don’t mean a Disneyfied, glittery (not that I’m knocking glitter), saccharine kind of enchantment, and I don’t mean the bypassing of the mess, mud, tears, and blood of the human animal, I mean the stuff of wild magic, myth and meaning… the legacy of our long ago ancestors.

It’s not just the people of ancient cultures who had lives overflowing with Kings, Priestesses, Lovers, talking trees, ravens, harts and harps, a growing number of us modern magical ones have discovered the treasure maps back to the old enchanted ways and are living them.

One of my trademark lines is “…. is the Medicine the world needs.” (the ellipsis could be all kinds of people and things - there’s a lot of Medicine around now, because we need a lot of Medicine now).

If my life and work can be summed up in a quote, it’s this one by Jung:

“Enchantment is the oldest form of medicine.”

Side note: my ashes are destined to be scattered in a hole in the roots of my oak, I would love a little plaque alongside it with those words too.

I agree with Jung (almost always), enchantment is the the oldest form of medicine… I also believe it is the Medicine the modern world most needs right now.

I know that this “enchantment as a real, effective thing” sounds fanciful and far-fetched, and yet… isn’t there a stirring in your soul and a knowing in your bones?

That’s enchantment.

And now, will you allow it to work its healing, liberating magic on you…? ✨

P.S. I wrote this some time ago and I too needed the reminder of the medicine of enchantment today

Art: me with the other owl by Margo Bobrowicz 🙏


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Autism: Forgetting, remembering & finding the gifts