Rewilding the garden

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Although I often talk about my love of gardening and share photos of scenes of cultivated beauty, what I’m feeling moved to express more of is the reverence for the wild that’s the intentional and devotional foundation for all of it.

We use no insecticides or weed killers, and large parts of the garden are left wild - it’s a place for flora and fauna to flourish.

The untamed inhabitants of this garden have been some of my greatest teachers… As we remember and honour the natural way of things, we humans become humble, remember our place in the kinship of earth, reclaim our souls and flourish too.

The photos might not be as Instagram-friendly as my beloved roses around the front door but I hope you can feel the true friendliness to all of life that’s present.

My love and blessings as you unfold your own wild myth.



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