Feeding the spirits ✨
By Lian Brook-Tyler
I rarely talk directly about the importance of feeding Spirit, especially the spirits of the land around us.
The reason for this is heartbreaking, it goes directly to the disconnection humans in this modern culture have to themselves, let alone to other humans, other beings, the land around them and Spirit.
I know that most people, having been trained to maintain this disconnection from the moment they took their first breath, just won’t understand, let alone feel motivated to feed the spirits of their land.
It will sound like not only nonsense but an utter waste of their precious time and energy… time and energy much better put to use in paddling furiously to keep their head above the water of competition, demands, and drains.
I know that for most, the way to begin to understand will need to be selfish at first.
They might hear me speaking about my special tree and all the gifts of presence, love, guidance that it’s provided me for years, and think “I would love that too!”
And that desire for connection, true connection, is their first precious step on the path to reclaim it.
The beautiful thing about this kind of connection is that it is emergent and generative, it teaches us how to be whole humans, how to be reciprocal without transaction, and then little by little, how to devote to something greater than ourselves.
I know that when people get even a taste of that connection, I only need to drop in a mention or two of the offerings I make to my tree, for them to recognise how natural it feels for them to make offerings too.
They come back from visiting their special tree and tell me of the songs they’ve sung to it, the gifts of wine, blood, herbs and coins they’ve laid at its feet, and most of all the praise, so much praise… words of gratitude bubbling out of their mouths and tears falling down their cheeks, like a language they knew in another lifetime and which has now magically returned to them, word perfect.
Then I know they’ve learned to feed the spirits of their lands, and that the spirits of the land have taken them into their bosom, forgiven the generations that forgot, and have welcomed them back home to themselves like the precious children of Earth they are.
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