From coach to soul đź’«

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Much of the work we do now is guiding magical people from being cookie cutter coaches into being their soul’s unique medicine…. A journey summed up here in a handful of words and yet it can be long and arduous, it requires diving into their deepest wounds and being initiated into their power in ways their soul chose but their human wouldn’t.

The courageous people in the current Waking The Wild Medicine are two thirds of the way through this very gauntlet and are just now coming out of the midnight cavern they descended into and are blinking in the gleam of what they discovered there… the gold of their own soul.

Now they know themselves more honestly than most humans dare to, they’re deepening into the work of becoming and serving their medicine, first to the circle, then to the people in the world it is meant for.

If like many of these people were, you’re forever searching for your purpose, your niche, your USP, your method, how to market, how to break 6/7 figures, and for belonging and meaning… what you might really be searching for is the unique medicine you came here to be. 💗


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