By Lian Brook-Tyler

The 10 year anniversary of my father’s death, the 3rd September, found me being the truth of my soul to a depth I’d never before experienced.

It wasn't a coincidence.

It was his legacy.

The photo of me was taken on the third day of being in the woods, about to enter the most powerful ceremony of my life.

I’m wearing a floor length, peacock print dress, jewellery, make-up and scent, despite those three days entailing a sweat lodge, camping, frequent rain, regularly doing rituals whilst sitting on the damp earth, no electricity and no running water in which to wash.

This is the truth of me…

Wild and enchanted.

Nothing to hide, nothing to prove.

Fully human, fully Divine.

Thank you, papa. Your death shook me awake to Spirit, and over the past 10 years, you’ve tirelessly, despite my resistance and blindness, guided me on the path of soul to become my Medicine… which is guiding others to open to Spirit, unite with their soul and become their Medicine.

What you do for me, I do for them.

Your legacy goes on and on…


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From coach to soul 💫
