By Lian Brook-Tyler

We’re just entering Money month (one of my fave topics but then I often seem to find myself saying that!) in Waking The Wild Medicine, which is the crucible devoted to supporting magical people to discover and become their medicine and create enchanted, heart-centred businesses serving their soul clients.

During this month, we’ll be diving into the shadow the medicinal ones hold around money in a way I can’t do justice to here, suffice to say it goes much deeper than many people think their beliefs about money go – it’s really about their beliefs about life.

During the circle I shared some of my own journey with money… starting with a wild childhood in which we danced between having literally nothing to abundance, and either way it was all good.

This photo is a diary page is from the time I was 7 and we were living in on a beach in Ibiza – it was during a “literally nothing” phase, we had run out of money and were brainstorming money-making ideas.

(Fir cones… 🤷‍♀️😀)

I can remember writing this – despite not knowing where our next meal was coming from, it felt fun, empowering and creative

Somehow the meal came. And the next.

But then as I grew older, despite starting with a much healthier relationship with money than most people, I was seduced by cultural messages of guilt, competition and lack, and so I’ve still had work to do to alchemise the places I was contorting, deluding and limiting myself.

As I’ve consciously chosen become intimate with the Spirit of Money, it’s become one of my favourite things to work with people on… it holds so much power (even and especially when we think it doesn’t.)

Choosing to become intimate with money, uncovering the beliefs we have about it and the places we shrink from it or grasp it, can be the portal to something unexpected… to the truth of our soul.


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