Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth
What’s required to live from soul?
What’s required to live from soul?
✨ Heart-centred
✨ Soul-led
✨ Sovereign
These are the three tenets of Waking The Wild that are woven into everything we do.
Creating time for Body-led Movement
A client told me that she often struggles to create time for body-led movement*, she asked if it’s OK if she’s simply listening to her body throughout the day and seeing how it feels and wants to move.
The terrifying gift you are
(A post from March 2019)
This week, two separate clients told me that they hate me*...
I understood why.
Becoming present to the possibility of the gift that we are can feel like The Most Terrifying Thing On Earth.
The Boy Years
I contemplated long and hard about sharing this photo I found yesterday because it’s one from my “boy” years (edit: it was for about 10 years, not just a short phase) when I was repelled by anything that seemed girly or feminine, which I’ve spoken about but haven’t ever shared photographic evidence of.
Living from your Zone of Genius
The different zones from Incompetence to Genius are something that the Waking The Wild Medicine ‘22 circle are in the enquiry of right now.
The method comes from Gay Hendrick’s book The Big Leap, and the different zones could be described thus:
1. Zone of Incompetence: Activities that other people can do better than you.
The alchemy of awareness ✨
I dance most mornings, usually naked (I threw on this scarf when this post came through and decided to capture the moment with a photo!), often in front of the mirror.
As I dance, I bring awareness… I notice how my body feels and also how it looks.
I’ve always had a good relationship with my body, which is rare and fortunate, I know.
Mother’s Medicine 💫
I‘m always in awe of our clients who are mothers... not only are they raising their children, they’re also expanding into doing their deepest Soul Work too.
We’re just entering Money month (one of my fave topics but then I often seem to find myself saying that!) in Waking The Wild Medicine, which is the crucible devoted to supporting magical people to discover and become their medicine and create enchanted, heart-centred businesses serving their soul clients.
What the Spirit of the Sauna is teaching me
As part of my year-and-a-day long commitment to the Fire, I decided to have weekly saunas, which will be interspersed with sweat lodges with my shamanic family.
How we banish Fox Woman… and the price we all pay for doing so 🦊
For the past few weeks, Fox spirit has been calling for me to work with it.
The constant messages from Fox, culminated in me taking the “wrong” route home on Friday and finding a dead fox on my path.
7 Truths that someone could have told the younger, confused, insecure and struggling version of me that would have made *all* the difference…
1. The ways you struggle to cope in this modern world you’ll come to know are due to neurodivergences such as autism and ADHD and that they’re really manifestations of unique and precious gifts.
A Peek of the Glorious Wild
I see an Italian tree in front of me. I thought it was a cypress but Google says no.
It calls to mind a summer spent sleeping under a fig tree in Ibiza. A summer of sun, sand, nudity, and living hand to mouth via the medium of art, graft and ingenuity. I was 7.
As we close the doors to Waking The Wild Medicine ‘22, it felt timely to do a post like this (for the first time since 2019!)
The Magical Power of Oil Rituals
One of my longest running rituals is that of working with oils. I’ve used some form of oil cleansing most of my adult life and then more consciously adopted the Oil Cleansing Method some ten years or so ago.
Phenomenal Woman
I’ve been pondering what International Women’s Day means to me, if anything, and therefore what to say, if anything.
She Speaks for Herself
My deepest devotion, my most powerful work, and my truest medicine is the one I speak about the least publicly.
Calling all the Magical Men…
As we’re talking to the magical people who are called to Waking The Wild Medicine, we’re noticing that so far there’s been more women than men.
The deepest, darkest journey into the Feminine yet…
I wrote the words below almost three months ago as we begun the first circle of Waking The Wild Feminine… today, as I prepare for our closing ceremony I can see it was indeed the deepest, darkest one yet.
The Red Hot Envy Game…
I’ve invited the women in Waking The Wild Feminine into playing an Envy Game… ooooh, it’s so hot and juicy! Each of them are sharing what they’re envious of in the other women.
Asking “How…?” vs submitting
I notice my life and therefore my writing follows themes… at the moment, the theme has been a lot of our students asking “How” questions.