What’s required to live from soul?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

What’s required to live from soul?

✨ Heart-centred
✨ Soul-led
✨ Sovereign

These are the three tenets of Waking The Wild that are woven into everything we do.

It’s the middle one that people tend to struggle with the most, the other two are what makes it possible.

Without opening our hearts to live from Love, we’ll live from Fear, controlling ourselves and others in an attempt to get our needs met.

Without living from Sovereignty, we’ll blame ourselves and others in order to justify continuing to be a victim to life.

The more we’re able to meet the world with an open heart and from Sovereign responsibility and power, the more we’re liberated to live from our soul... to create each moment from our True Will.

Yes, it can be a challenging way to live... and it’s the only way to live fully and to die complete.

And the important thing to know is this... you’re making a choice either way, to live tame or to live from soul, and both come at a price.

As David Deida said “If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer.”

It’s your choice.


(posted by Lian last March 2021)

Art: Lagertha and Ragnar, Vikings

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