Reclaiming the wild relationship with night dreams

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?” Carl Jung

Last night I had a dream that was especially vivid… it unhooked me, frightened me and also allowed me to see how safe I really am.

I’ve spent most of the day in that liminal space between the day and night realms, which is a place that’s home to me, working with the dream and allowing the dream to do its work on me.

The dream’s themes followed the symbols of my last two initiations… Mother Earth and Father Sky, the Feminine and the Masculine… this dream is both an integration of them and also an invitation to go deeper. I will continue to work with its messages over the days and nights ahead, allowing further dreams to show me what’s required of me.

Although dream work comes naturally to me, I believe it’s available to all of us.

One of the most important relationships we guide our students into is a relationship with their Night Self, an aspect of which is their dreams.

Witnessing that relationship blossom over months and years… going from “I don’t think I dream or I don’t remember them if I do.” To “My Night Self told me…”, “My Night Self showed me…”, “The gap between my powerful, magical Night Self and my Day Self is growing smaller.” is one of my favourite parts of the work.

And to think our domesticated culture doesn’t even know this self exists.

P.S. another liminal space… today’s view from my window of the sunset.


(posted by Lian last June 2022)

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