Asking “How…?” vs submitting

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I notice my life and therefore my writing follows themes… at the moment, the theme has been a lot of our students asking “How” questions.

This is always a thing, it’s just understandably more of a thing right now as I’m guiding women down the blind descent into the dark womb of the Feminine. Which is scary af – and fear tends to drive up the Hows (also the “Yes but…”s but this is about the Hows.)

And honestly, I may well have been doing the same with my teachers and guides lately – because as above, so below – just more subtly, because I KNOW it’s not about the How, and therefore it can be trickier to spot when I’m doing it.

The mind will want answers, especially brilliant minds (hello me and my people).

Shadow will want answers, especially Shadow that’s focused on control (also me, and many of my people).

The heart knows the answers, if we’re willing to stop stopping at How, honour our deep desires and submit to our soul’s truth.

The other thing to know is that it’s always an energetic move that’s required… Rather than waiting, waiting, waiting… for answers, for it to be easy, for someone else to change, for circumstances to be perfect… it’s about submitting to the energetic we’re being called to.

An ‘energetic’?

Yes it’s *all* about the energy.

Side note: I notice my rebellion to my cosmic, cannabis-and-magic-mushroom-haze hippy “It’s all about the energy, man.” upbringing isn’t working out too well these days. My father would be so proud.

So energy… Does that sound delusional, impractical or intangible?

Yes, it probably does to many people.

And yet, it’s how I go about creating the beautiful, magical, soul-deep life I desire, and so joyously create it too. The same will be true of almost any other powerful magician or creator whose work or life you admire or envy.

This is why copying how I write or speak or they write or speak won’t work – however masterful a forger you are – because it’s all about the energy.

Folk can tell even when they can’t tell you what they can tell; truth be told, YOU can tell even when you can’t tell what you can tell.

So, the choice is to stick at the How or submit.

I double dare you to ask how.


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On the soul train


Here I am, reunited with my tree. ♥️