On the soul train

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“We kissed at the barrier; and passing through
She left me, and moment by moment got
Smaller and smaller, until to my view
She was but a spot;”
Thomas Hardy

For so many years I stood at this station, laptop on my back and with a coffee in my hand (from the sweet man in the kiosk, who I might well still owe £1.25 from the last cup he waved me away with as the train was approaching)… awaiting an express to the city.

I kissed goodbye to that me 7 years ago, and then so many versions of me since.

And I’ve never felt more here, more whole, more me, more soul.

The secret? It was not in hating, shaming, resisting, fixing, hiding, improving, or denying those parts of me.

It was all in the kissing.

So less of a goodbye… and more of a loving all of me back into my rightful place, a place from which I could express my soul fully.

“Missing a train is only painful if you run after it! Likewise, not matching the idea of success others expect from you is only painful if that’s what you are seeking.”
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

No more running after someone else’s packed commuter train.

The Orient Express is waiting, champagne is chilling… life on exquisite mode.

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Living from Soul


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