Living from Soul

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I used to think that concerning oneself with the new moon and full moon was performative new age woo.

I was way too brilliant, logical and able to think critically to fall for the utter nonsense that it mattered how much of the moon we can SEE. After all, that’s all that’s actually happening, right? The moon isn’t actually changing shape. 

Side note: these are all things I’ve actually said to moon lovers telling me about their “full moon energy”. Well, hey, I’m autistic. 

And now, none of that matters.

I lie here in a new moon ritual bath of rose oil, rose petals and pure magic crafted bespoke for my archetype by my potion-maker friend.

And then afterwards, I will walk naked into the light of the moon and be witnessed as I speak my intentions… revealed by this morning’s ceremony with the yew and the chalice.

Because it isn’t really about the moon, it’s about my choice to live in alignment with the earth’s cycles.

And that is just one manifestation of the choice I made 4 years ago… to live from soul – which once upon a time, I also would have said is performative new age woo.

Until the rose, the oak, the buzzard, the yew, the chalice, the drum and the moon all whispered the same message over and over (yes, it took that much – I’m autistic *and* deaf), brought me out of my mind, down on my knees and had me devote.

So when I see you, silver sliver of moon (which I know and you know is simply because of your orbit – not magic), I’ll be in awe, because the more I live from soul, the more I realise… it’s all magic.

Art by Boris Vallejo

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Breaking up with “normal” is the best thing I ever did.


On the soul train