Breaking up with “normal” is the best thing I ever did.

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Breaking up with “normal” is the best thing I ever did. 

It’s allowed me to do life my way… to give up the never-ending quest to stop being weird and to fit in, and to walk the path of becoming who I came here to be.

It turns out it’s not the unprovocative, perfectly pleasant, corporate whizz by day, Domestic Goddess by night that my human would choose, it’s a paradoxical explosion and implosion of the darkest of dark and the lightest of light, centuries old and light years ahead, the essence of dragon and a drop of rose oil, wide open and hermetically sealed, fully submitted and wholly powerfully… that is my way.

I’ve shared before that my Human Design Sun and my Gene Keys Radiance are about Provocation.

This is described as a powerfully provocative energy which stirs up emotions and reactions in others, activating them into inspiration or envy, attraction or repulsion…. Think Frida Kahlo (she actually had HD Sun Gate 39 too) mixed with Marilyn Monroe… and it’s designed to be the provocation for emotional and spiritual growth.

And yet, it’s unconscious, which means that it’s not that I now choose to provoke people, it’s that I’m now no longer subconsciously compelled *not* to… I live life my way on purpose, knowing it will provoke the right people into discovering who they are. Sometimes they’ll be provoked into thinking I’m a demon, sometimes they’ll be provoked into thinking I’m an angel, and it’s all good (even though it still hurts at times, after all, I’m still human) – it’s all Love under Will.

And so this way, I guide others to do the same as me. But totally different.

Because that’s the point, they’re different. Each of them has their own unique way, the work is to uncover that, love it back into the whole, and then… do it on purpose.

P.S. If you’re feeling the call to do life your way and want me as your guide back to yourself, Waking The Wild Medicine, beginning early 2022, could be for you. Register your interest here and we will reach out to arrange a conversation with me or Jonathan soon.

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