Business fully from Soul, Spirit & Sovereignty

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Waking The Wild Sovereign is full


That’s all eight places in our crucible focused on Soul-led, Heart-Centred Sovereignty filled with the right people who are ready to rise and deepen into being the powerfully magical Kings and Queens they came here to be.


This crucible alone will bring around 6 figures of revenue into Waking The Wild each year.


I share this partly to close the energetic loop that opens whenever we open a crucible for enrollment.


And partly because I want to share how doing business fully from Soul, Spirit & Sovereignty isn’t just possible, it’s a beautifully fulfilling experience for all concerned.


You’ve probably noticed that it’s rare that I’ll speak this directly about money… that’s because though it’s a potent creative energy, it’s not of interest to me in and of itself, and attracting people to our work with messages like “make £10k per month now” just doesn’t feel aligned.


But what is aligned is to let you know that you *can* have a ball doing your unique soul work and receive all the abundance that’s meant for you in doing so.


If this way of being in the world is calling you, then come join us in the second (now longer and even deeper) Waking The Wild Medicine (aka “Hogwarts for adults”, as I’ve just realised!) coming early 2022.


This is where you discover your deepest gifts and learn how to give them to the world in a way that’s a win/win for all.


We haven’t opened for enrollment yet (though one place has already gone and the interest list is growing), so register your interest now and we will arrange to have a call with you as soon as it opens in the coming weeks.


I’ll see you in class, magical ones!


Art: Artem Maltsev


P.S. If you’re feeling the call to do life your way and want me as your guide back to yourself, Waking The Wild Medicine, beginning early 2022, could be for you. Register your interest here and we will reach out to arrange a conversation with me or Jonathan soon.


P.P.S. if you haven’t watched last year’s Wild Medicine webinar, that could be a good place for you to start.

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Possessed by Archetypes


Breaking up with “normal” is the best thing I ever did.