Here I am, reunited with my tree. ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

With two leg injuries in the space of a month, I’ve only been able to visit it once in all that time. That’s the longest it’s been in many years.

I laughed and cried all my way here, I lay offerings at its feet, I hugged it, I kissed it, I prayed, I whispered words of gratitude, I covered it with tears and I told it how much I love it.

As blessed as I am with wonderful teachers, allies and guides, physical and non-physical, there’s no replacing this tree as my touchstone, inspiration and solace on this never-ending, often painful, always beautiful, devotional path of the soul.

My connection to the wild might seem strange or disingenuous to some of you, seeing me dressed up and made-up as I usually am, that’s understandable if you don’t know my roots and my bones.

The Wild Woman was my first initiation into the Feminine, to be honest, I don’t think I would have allowed Her in any other way… given my relationship to the Feminine was that She was weak, needy and helpless – and I’d spent a lifetime trying to be anything other than that.

But the wild? I could roll with that… that was the familiar ground of the hippy child running naked on a beach in Ibiza or supping from mountain springs in the Pyrenees.

And this tree was my portal back to the wild, into the Wild Woman, to the Feminine, and to everything that’s happened since.

So I laugh, cry, love and pray here. This is where I learned to do those things from the depths of my soul.

This is where I learned to be.

I am here.

Here I am.


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