The alchemy of awareness ✨

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I dance most mornings, usually naked (I threw on this scarf when this post came through and decided to capture the moment with a photo!), often in front of the mirror.


As I dance, I bring awareness… I notice how my body feels and also how it looks.


I’ve always had a good relationship with my body, which is rare and fortunate, I know.


The alchemy offered by my awareness of my body is one of noticing the changes… just focusing on my tummy now given the photo… I notice the changes from the perfect kick-boxing-honed six-pack to the passing of the years, the pregnancies, the C sections, the scar from scalding myself with camomile tea this summer, the bite from a Maltese mosquito last week, and the swelling of my incipient bleed.


Noticing those changes and being given the opportunity to welcome them and love my tummy anyway.


But this isn’t about tummy or even my body, this is the opportunity everywhere.


This is how magic is done… bringing awareness provides the opportunity for alchemy, to move from shame, fear and denial into love, transformation, and gnosis. Of course, we still need to choose into that alchemy but it begins with simply being willing to bring awareness.


We can bring our awareness to relationships, pain, conflict, illness, desires, struggle and needs.


And there’s no rush to move into the alchemy, in this modern world, just being willing to bring awareness is a radical, revolutionary act.


We only need to take a brave and honest look.


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Mother’s Medicine 💫