Ready for the sweet spot?✨

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’ve spoken about the Japanese concept of Ikigai before, beautifully distilled into this Venn (gotta love a Venn!) several times in fact, and each time I realise I’m somehow even deeper into that sweet spot right in the middle, than I was the last time.

Ikigai is the union of two Japanese words: iki (生き, meaning 'life’ or ‘alive') and kai (甲斐, meaning ‘use’ or ‘value’), so it can be seen as: a reason for being.

My Ikigai, like Jonathan’s, is helping others, especially magical world-changing people, to find and become their Ikigai - what you might also call their purpose, their gift, their soul work, or what we typically call their medicine

Our work is moving fast now… even between last year’s Waking The Wild Medicine and this one, it feels as though we’ve travelled light years in terms of how masterfully we can guide people into their Ikigai. And it’s showing no signs of stopping.

In the middle of the night, I woke up with an idea - another powerful way of us helping people to discover their medicine - and spent the next hour peering into my phone capturing it. (Which is what brought Ikigai to mind again this morning.)

This is what I’ve found personally and with the many people we’ve guided, once you’re in that juicy Ikigai spot, Spirit gives you all the help it can (limitless, btw, the only limits are our own illusory fear-based ones) in terms of ideas, guidance, and opportunities to go deeper into being the medicine you came here to be.

And the best bit?

Once you’re there, you’ll never work a day in your life, after all, the sweet spot is doing what you love to do!

Love you!

P.S. We’ll be beginning Medicine ‘23 early next year, there’s only 11 coveted spaces in this real life Hogwarts, yes it’s a school of real magic, so if you’re ready for the sweet spot, do register your interest now. Click HERE.


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The alchemy of awareness ✨