Paying the Sovereign Price👑

By Lian Brook-Tyler

One of the ‘trademarks’ of Waking The Wild is the distinction we make between paying the Sovereign Price or the Victim Price.

As we’re journeying deeper into sovereignty in WTW Medicine, this choice is coming up over and over for the circle.

In fact, I just posted this in the Medicine fb group:

“Any time you’re searching for an alternative to paying the Victim Price or the Sovereign Price... you’re paying the Victim Price.

There’s no other way, there’s no magic bullet, there’s no cheat code.


And then I realised that outside of WTW crucibles, I’ve never fully explained what these prices are and why they’re so important to walking our soul paths, regardless if you’re journeying with Waking The Wild or some other way.

So here at last it is… a Victim Price & Sovereign Price 101.

A vital aspect of the work we do with our clients and students is about guiding them to become true adults, responsible for everything in their lives… to reign Sovereign.

On the way to this, choosing to release blaming circumstances and putting expectations on others sounds like too high a price to pay. Sovereignty sounds hard, lonely and most of all... unfair af.

At this point, we’re still in the pattern of paying the Victim Price over and over, unconsciously.

This can look like:

🖤 Rescuing others and believing it’s the only right and kind thing to do

🖤 Repressing our expression believing it’s the only way to be loved and accepted

🖤 Forgoing our needs and desires believing they’ll be too disruptive if we honour them

🖤 Allowing others to transgress our boundaries because we fear the reaction if we don’t

🖤 Believing ourselves to be powerless and in need of saving

In short, this is living from the Victim Triangle (see podcast episode 341 and show notes about this), from this place, it looks like there’s no other possible choice than to keep doing everything *except* living your truth.

Enter the Sovereign Price.

This Price is only visible, let alone possible to choose once we’re in the work to rise into sovereignty - which is a choice and a post in and of itself, but suffice to say for now, this isn’t an archetype we’re born with in the same way as we are some of the others, most people in our modern culture go their entire lives without activating and actualising their inner King or Queen.

Once we’ve chosen into the work of sovereignty, at some point we’ll realise we can’t have be, do or have whatever is aligned with the truth of our soul without being willing to risk:

🖤 Losing the material security we’ve built up around us to feel safe

🖤 Letting go of control over our circumstances being a specific known way

🖤 Others being judgemental, upset or angry with us for our actions

This is when we have a clear choice:

1. Pay the Victim Price: continue as we are, putting our need for approval, security and control before the truth of our souls.

2. Pay the Sovereign price: take soul-aligned action even though we know it will may come at a price, such as money, time, energy and relationships.

It often feels that the choice to pay the Sovereign Price will bring more than we can handle and yet, if it’s a choice that’s soul-aligned then know: we *will* handle it.

As Terence McKenna said in one of my favourite quotes

“...This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

I’ve seen again and again that when we’re willing to pay the Sovereign Price, we are met with love, support and guidance beyond our dreams… in fact, it’s love, support and guidance that *only* seems to be available from a life lived this way.

What is the Victim Price you’re currently paying and why?

What is the Sovereign Price your soul is calling you to?

And which will you choose?

P.S. Sometimes we’re clear on the Victim Price and Sovereign Price and yet, we’re not feeling quite ready to pay the latter, then we can consciously choose to pay the Victim Price for now, knowing the cost and accepting it. That is sovereign.

P.P.S. The secret of the feather bed… The more wholeheartedly we choose to pay the Sovereign Price, the more fully and quickly we are rewarded, and shhhhh… often we don’t end up needing to pay a price at all.

P.P.P.S. To go deeper check out Wild Sovereign HERE!

Art: an archetypal portrait of me by the incredible @katerina.meccano 🙏🏻


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