Mother’s Medicine 💫

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I‘m always in awe of our clients who are mothers... not only are they raising their children, they’re also expanding into doing their deepest Soul Work too.

I‘m in awe because I have good sense of what it takes: looking back at this photo of me and Lady A from ten years ago... I was trying to be the perfect earth mother to two under two, I was still working at my old corporate job - life was full on!

And then came the time to do my Soul Work, slowly slowly learning to uncover and be my Medicine... by then my children were five and three so things were a little easier on the parenting front but so much more challenging on the work front.

For most of us, particularly in the early years, pouring our deepest Medicine into our Soul Work is the most vulnerable, scary and uncertain work we do. That’s because our Medicine is the truest part of us, and for most of us has been held in shame for many years.

It takes a lot of guidance, support and love to keep walking the path to the point we’ve reclaimed our Medicine that’s been shoved down deep in our shadow bag… it’s a hard path but I can tell you that it’s worth it. Being my Medicine is an experience of such joy and abundance - it more than makes up for all those years of doubt and fear!

And now it’s time to focus on guiding others on their path to embody their deepest soul Medicine too. This is something we’ve been doing with 1:1 clients for years and we’re now making it the jewel in the crown of our work with the creation of Waking The Wild Medicine.

It’s a Circle of sovereigns, it’s a journey and it’s a crucible filled with everything you need to reclaim and actualise your Wild Medicine... To make a living doing your precious Soul Work.

So if you know you’re ready, we’re here to support, guide and love you back home to yourself and then out into a world that really needs you and the unique and potent Medicine that only you carry.

And of course, you don’t need to be a mother to join us, just if you are, I get why this is an even harder choice to make (though if it’s for you, I believe your heart already knows… your head will catch up when it’s ready).

P.S. If you’re feeling called to join us on the path of Waking The Wild but don’t quite know what or when...  Waking The Wild Sovereign is coming soon (Feb 2023) and Waking The Wild Medicine begins March 2023… so do get in touch so we can explore what will serve you most deeply. Click here to know which ways you can go deeper .



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