The deepest, darkest journey into the Feminine yet…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

 I wrote the words below almost three months ago as we begun the first circle of Waking The Wild Feminine… today, as I prepare for our closing ceremony I can see it was indeed the deepest, darkest one yet.

All of us are coming out of this initiation as very different women to the ones who entered it… we emerge into the world with wild hair, bloodied knees, and broken wide open to Love and Truth.

She would have it no other way. 

21st September 2020…

“To discover who she is, a woman must trust the places of darkness where she can meet her own deepest nature and give it voice… sharing it with the women around her as she comes to a true and certain sense of herself.” Judith Duerk

This morning we begin Waking The Wild Feminine… it will be the deepest, darkest one yet.

SHE desires it… I submit.

Art: Boris Vallejo 

P.S. if you’re feeling the call to join me for the next one in ‘22 (assuming She desires that I lead another one) then you can register your interest via the link below – it always fills fast.

P.P.S. If you’re feeling the call to do life your way and want me as your guide back to yourself, Waking The Wild Medicine, beginning early 2022, could be for you. Register your interest here and we will reach out to arrange a conversation with me or Jonathan soon.


Also if you haven’t watched last year’s Wild Medicine webinar, that could be a good place for you to start.

 Want to become more intimate with us? If YES, click any or all of the buttons below.


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