The Magical Power of Oil Rituals

By Lian Brook-Tyler

One of my longest running rituals is that of working with oils. I’ve used some form of oil cleansing most of my adult life and then more consciously adopted the Oil Cleansing Method some ten years or so ago.


From those humble beginnings, my oil rituals now number five decanters of blended oils (all contain rose, natch) and many different rituals.


Once daily, and for some rituals twice, almost every part of my skin is anointed, massaged or touched with oil in some way.


It’s become such a natural part of my devotional life that I rarely stop to think about the tangible benefits of it, though I know they’re legion.


From the radiant glow of facial massage to the perks of breast massage (I’ll let Kim Anami fill you in in her inimitable style – link below), there’s persuasive material reasons to commit to an oil ritual.


And yet, I would say they’re not the best reason to do so.


The best reason, the real reason, the deepest reason is what it will illuminate and ultimately heal.

The part of me that isn’t worth the cost of this oil.


The part of me that can’t bear this much attention.


The part of me that thinks I have better things to do with my time.


As much as I love other forms of embodiment practice, I’m not sure anything would have had the transformative power that oil rituals have had.


Some of my rituals are only revealed within closed circles such as Waking The Wild crucibles and some are magical secrets that I reveal to no-one, but you don’t need to know mine to find yours.


Just begin… with daily face massage or breast massage (I always invite woman into this in Waking The Wild Feminine and as I do so I think “If this is the *only* thing that they take from it and keep to, it’ll be life changing.”) and see what’s revealed.


Your skin and the oils will be the guide.


To where? To your body and your very soul.

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