By Lian Brook-Tyler

As we close the doors to Waking The Wild Medicine ‘22, it felt timely to do a post like this (for the first time since 2019!)

Waking The Wild Medicine is for the magical ones who are ready to do their soul work and become their unique medicine for the world. It’s Hogwarts-meets-The Fellowship of the Ring. It’s what I wish was available years ago when I didn’t know who I really was or what I was here for. The next Medicine will be in early ‘23.

Waking The Wild Sovereign is for world changers and leaders feeling the call to embody their inner King or Queen and create their outer Kingdom or Queendom. It’s an ongoing mastermind-circle with 1:1 sessions with Jonathan and I, and is the most accessible way to work 1:1 with us. It’s always oversubscribed and a space won’t open again until June at earliest.

Waking The Wild Feminine was my first soul-work love, is my deepest devotion and was the catalyst for all things Waking The Wild. It’s for women feeling the call of the Lover and the Wild Woman to descend into their body and soul (tho they’ll meet the Queen first, Sovereignty is non-negotiable in all our work). It will be back for its 6th spiral, later this year.

( Jonathan runs its brother Waking The Wild Masculine – which creates men who are absolute gifts to the world).

 We also have a crucible for those called to actualise the Empress or Emperor, it’s for the lion-hearted world changers ready to create their soul-led inner and outer empire. The next available space will be in June. It’s the most intimate way to work with us, it’s completely bespoke, requires a 5-figure investment and a year-long commitment.

For Medicine ‘23, Sovereign, Feminine and Masculine, you can register your interest via the link below (recommended as they always sell out, Feminine ridiculously fast,) whereas Empress/Emperor is not on our website so please PM me for details.

All my love,

P.S. as soon as we’ve finally rebirthed as Waking The Wild (soon!) we’ll be getting to work creating a way to set foot on this path in a super-accessible video course medium. It’s our first evergreen course since 2015!

And… we’re about to begin to initiate and train the first two WTW Soul Guides, it’s currently by invitation only. Let’s see what ‘23 brings.

It’s all coming. 

P.PS. If you’re not ready to choose into one of our crucibles, do come join our beautiful fb community – it’s filled with wild souls, at all different points on the Waking The Wild path. Click HERE!

Want to become more intimate with us? If YES, click any or all of the buttons below.




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