By Lian Brook-Tyler

If I ever give the impression that I’m done… done learning, done integrating my shadow, done mastering my art, done understanding who I am and what I’m here for… then please allow me to disabuse you of that notion now.

I’m naturally a beginner’s mind kinda girl – I watched the recording of my Human Design reading with the magical Rebecca Freeman last night, I was reminded again of the importance of being a rare “Quad Right”, this means that all of my transition arrows point towards the Feminine – I’m designed to be fully receptive, wide open to receive whatever’s new (or ancient) and aligned for me.

That’s combined with a voracious autistic appetite to know and experience every last thing to do with whatever it is I’m currently obsessed with.

And then the deeper I go into the Great Work of real magic, the more clearly I see the places I’m not yet liberated… the ways I project my fear onto others, the lies I tell myself about what I truly need and desire, the people and things I recoil from, and how I exchange my power for approval, security and control, and what a poor – if understandable to a small scared human – deal that is.

Crowley named it, in his usual ‘no place to hide’ manner, like this “The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress.”

That freeing of fetters is The Most Important Thing for any of us who are devoted to being all that we came here to be.

And for me in particular, I was told by my ancestors that I’m a Taboo Breaker. It’s not that I have to break all the taboos personally (phew!), but that I’m to love and liberate those who are here to break the taboos of this tame modern culture… and that requires me to illuminate and integrate all of *my* taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts.

So if you were a fly on the wall and took a look at my life any one time… you’d see me investing my focus (my most precious of resources), years of my time, bags of my energy and many thousands of pounds to receive learning from at least one teacher or guide (it’s currently two – and those are just the human ones) and choosing into undergoing the most challenging of initiations that ask me to let go of everything I hold dear and that I believe I need to keep me safe.

My work here? It is laughably far from being done.

And I love it that way… doing our work is the most meaningful, fulfilling, freeing and downright enchanted way I know of that we can live.

If it takes me the rest of this lifetime to be able to say from complete love and truth that “My work here is done” I’m all good with that.

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