7 Truths that someone could have told the younger, confused, insecure and struggling version of me that would have made *all* the difference…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

1. The ways you struggle to cope in this modern world you’ll come to know are due to neurodivergences such as autism and ADHD and that they’re really manifestations of unique and precious gifts.

2. You didn’t come here to live a mundane life in a mundane world, you came here to unite with your soul and live an enchanted life.

3. Your most painful wounds will be alchemised into the most powerful of medicine for you and then others.

4. Once you’ve understood and embodied those Truths you will make a living and a difference using them in deep service.

5. You’ll come to know your place in the Village, in fact, you’ll create it… finally, you’ll belong.

6. One day, you’ll be telling others these same Truths about them.

7. Then you’ll know, none of it was an accident, and even in the hardest and darkest of times… you were being loved and guided all along.

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