From Screams to Whispers

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“It’s hard being friends with you… you’re always so WELL!”

This was what a loved one told me recently.

I understood where she was coming from, I am exceptionally blessed, but it also called to mind the decades in which wellness wasn’t an enviable quality of my life.

I just saw a post I wrote a few years ago, it captures that time of my life well…

“Many people can listen to their cat more intelligently than they can listen to their own despised body. Because they attend to their pet in a cherishing way, it returns their love. Their body, however, may have to let out an earth-shattering scream in order to be heard at all."
Marion Woodman

Learning to listen to my body (or rather unlearning how to listen to everything *but* my body), which in many ways is a synonym for listening to the Child, has been one of the most profound gifts of all the years of spiritual and personal growth work I’ve done.

These days, now my body no longer needs to scream... gone are the raging, red haze of PMT or the teeth grinding (“Here! Wear a mouth guard! Fixed!”) or the weeks long bouts of excruciating sciatica or the 15-long-years of burning, clenching facial pain (“We have no clue what it is so here’s some epilepsy drugs.”) or the unexplained deafness that even the dreaded hearing aids didn’t address or the acid reflux so agonising I’d be awake from 4am, sitting upright and still writhing in pain.

As I’ve learned my body’s language, it’s become the most wise, soft, vibrant, strong, pleasurable, safe and magical home I can imagine.

And the most precious and surprising gift of all is what it now whispers about what my very soul desires.

Your journey back to your body is as unique as your soul, it won’t be the same as mine, but learning its language is a human birthright… a reclamation of our mother tongue.

My love and blessings as you unfold your soul’s myth.


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What the Owl said 🦉


The most unlikely happy camper