What the Owl said 🦉

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Many years ago, long before I consciously began on the shamanic path, Jonathan gifted me a smudge fan - knowing before I did what was to come. He foresaw the twists and turns my path would take from non-dual spirituality into rewilding, embodiment and shadow work and then shamanism.

It felt “too big” for me then, plus even though I knew it was ethically sourced and had been made with reverence, it still felt hard for this lifelong herbivore to use something that came from an animal.

I put it away in a box and placed it on top of my tall bookcase, I couldn’t bear to look at it, let alone use it.

This photo of me with the wing was taken a year or two later when I finally felt ready to become who I really am, since then it has become a much-loved companion in my work.

Yesterday, a soul sister was asking for my advice on shamanic tools and I recommended getting a smudge fan. I sent her a photo of mine. As we were talking, I thought “I would love to make my own some day.”

Today, I was entering the oak grove that I visit several times a week and I saw an owl lying broken on the bluebell strewn ground.

Yet again, the spirits of the land have listened and provided, I now have the honour of working with these beautiful wings to transform them into tools of cleaning and healing.

As I placed the owl’s body to rest, with offerings of roses, tears and prayers, it spoke to me.

Owl said it was meant to be part of the bridge connecting humans back to the spirits of the land.

I hope this story is a small step towards that.

My love and blessings as you unfold your own soul’s myth.


P.S. My husband just reminded me that there was an owl sitting on the tree outside our sitting room window looking in at us earlier this week. Spirit has its own time and wisdom - sometimes we are paying attention enough to see it.


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