On telling yourself it's "...just my thinking"
By Lian Brook-Tyler
“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their own experience, that alone would change the world.”
-Syd Banks
Ironically, I notice that the majority of the people who come to work with us after they’ve been travelling that path for many years are still stuck in the search to more effectively escape their feelings (i.e. their experience).
And that makes *complete* sense when they’ve been taught the solution is to stop focusing on their thoughts and feelings.
That can set up difficult thoughts and unsettling feelings as the enemy, something to turn away from, to diminish, to ignore, to place no importance on... and ultimately in many cases... to be afraid of.
I’ve been there and worn the T-shirt (made of 100% organic Thought) until I saw it for the emperor’s new clothes it was.
*And* I’m still SO appreciative of the deep connection with the Divine that this path gave me, I wish that gift for everyone. It was everything, until it wasn’t. It’s annoyingly paradoxical, I know.
But oh my goodness! To have discovered another path... to have the freedom to be in my body, to really feel everything, to place importance on what I’m feeling and why (i.e. to reveal the sacred wounds that no amount of ascension touched) and to create real depth and expansion into being the unique soul expression that I came here to be.
So YES, my people learn how to stop being afraid of their experience... and instead fall totally and utterly in love with it as the invitation into a luscious, golden adventure it really can be.
Pic thanks to Artem Beliaikin
(posted May 2020)
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