By Lian Brook-Tyler

The topic of fairness is showing up a lot in the Wild Medicine circle and with 1:1 clients… these are powerful men and women who came here with big soul missions, constricting, judging and repressing themselves in the name of fairness.

But much as we might want life to be fair, it isn’t.

(And I say this as an autistic Libran who spent most of her life rigidly *obsessed* with trying to make things fair – if anyone has resisted and stress-tested this truth, it’s me).

Look at nature… is it fair?

With all of nature’s wondrous diversity, how would you even begin to measure fairness between the sun and the badger, the emerald and the oak, or even between two of the same species… two wolves, for example? One is stronger, one is more beautiful, one is fertile, the other is not.

The truth is, life is not fair and when we try to keep ourselves (or others) small and dimmed to attempt to make it so we’re just arguing with reality.

You might have more energy, less money, more support, less trauma, more intelligence, less power, more connection to spirit, less empathy… whatever your unique combination of all the possible ways a human can be, you are a necessary and perfect part of the whole.

The more we shine unashamedly big and bright, just as the sun, the badger, the emerald, the oak, and the wolves, the more the world can benefit from the unique gift we came here to be.

And paradoxically, the more fair life feels.

Art: Lucy Campbell 

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