By Lian Brook-Tyler

It’s a myth that one day we’ll feel powerful enough, courageous enough, resourced enough, healed enough, supported enough, protected enough, enough enough to feel ready to be the fullness of who we came here to be without any pain, fear or risk.

The truth is we’ll never feel ready if that’s what we’re waiting for… there will always be detractors, losses, and prices to pay.

The question is… will you choose to allow your soul to live through you fully anyway?

Will you submit to Divine Will, to your deepest desires… without the need for approval, security or control?

The truth is… that’s a choice available to you now… and one you’re ready to make if you decide to.

And when you do, all the support, guidance and love you need will rush to meet you.

“This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.” Terence McKenna

The abyss will always be an abyss, therefore it will always feel scary… Will you choose to let go and fall anyway?

Art: Julie Bell 


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GODDESS IN MY BED (Or why I lie in)
