More By Lian Brook-Tyler

When you desire More
(love, meaning, freedom, joy…),
you want the path to be clearly lit and well-trodden.
To be lined with maples,
rose petals,
and maybe loved ones cheering.

It’s not.

The path to More
tends to be hard to find
and then once found,
even harder to set foot on.

Your mind will play tricks,
Telling you that it’s a folly,
a fool’s errand.
And whispers snake-like…
“It’s a waste of the very thing you seek More of.”

That’s because this path means leaving things behind.
Leaving people behind,
And most of all,
leaving you behind,
your patterns, your comforts, your status.

Your soul doesn’t have many enticements
that have value in this world.
It uses what it can.
It knows that if you follow your desire for More,
then its work is done.

Because really, the path of More,
is the path to more of who you came here to be.
There’s no turning back now, my love.

For more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. For more Soul, Myth & Magic, visit our Go deeper page.

Image: Jake Weirick, Unsplash

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