Why I help magical women to make more money

Why I help magical women to make more money…

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

(even though I’m neither a money or business coach and have no desire to be one)…

My women would have been the shamans, the doulas, the priestesses, the spiritual teachers, the witches and the healers… in other lives or in this life, if they’d been raised in the kinds of communities we evolved in.

As you shared your gift with your community, you would have been resourced and provided for.

Your people would have queued for your words or your touch *and* would have brought the food, water and wood that meant that your needs were met.

In this culture, bereft of true community and the necessary initiation and guidance onto your path, you’re left floundering in uncertainty about your magic *and* you’re constantly distracted by money (or the lack of it).

This is made even harder because most of us don’t seem to be able to create a clear relationship with money.

For example, I recently discovered that in numerology terms I have a missing number 8, which represents Power (often symbolised by Money).

My numerologist explained that it’s not that I don’t or can’t have money, it’s that I struggle to see it clearly or create a conscious relationship with it. Yesssss! That’s exactly how it feels… kind of vague, unclear, misty, unreal.

Whether you give credence to numerology or not, it seems to me that most of my women share this lack of money consciousness. And I believe that’s no accident, it’s because money (or what it can be exchanged for in the material world) wasn’t meant to be something they needed to be aware of in the same way as people who are walking different soul paths.

This is made more confusing still by all the marketing and sales noise about how to make money, it’s not that those strategies are wrong, in fact, some can work very well for some people… but rarely us.

So those of you who suspect that you are different (if you’re anything like me, you’ll have been told this over and over most of your life tho you’re the last person to want to admit it)… what can you do?

Firstly, finally recognise and own the fact that you *are* different. No more being a raven busy pretending you’re a pigeon.

Secondly, walk the initiatory path to develop your unique blend of magic.

Thirdly, work *as* divine love and receive the ways that people want to love you back (bringing you food, water and wood or the money to buy it, and spreading the word to others about your magic).

So in answer to my opening line ‘Why I help magical women to make more money’… It’s quite simply because I’ve realised that part of my medicine is helping other women to be their magic. Ultimately, to find their way back to working as divine love… which is exactly why they’re here and what the world longs for.

If you (secretly ) know that I’m talking about you in this post then the first thing to do is this… see yourself for the raven you truly are.

From there, the next breadcrumb on your path will be revealed.

All my love,


Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go Deeper

Photo: Alex Grodkiewicz @UnsplashG


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