One for my 3Ps friends ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

A question I’m often asked (during Waking The Wild Medicine ‘21)…

“I feel so drawn to your work but I’m concerned it’ll conflict with my 3Ps/non-dual training – is there a conflict?”

I love this question because it’s something I spent years pondering myself… for a long time I felt like a heretic… until we realised how the puzzle pieces of reality fit together, how much paradox humans can actually hold and how gloriously rich life becomes when we do so.

Now it’s crystal clear that there’s ZERO conflict between what we offer and the 3Ps.

Once we move beyond the focusing on the articulation of the three separate principles, we see that the 3Ps are really one of the many paths of Ascension to Spirit/oneness/non-separation, the 3Ps being one of the most accessible, simple and therefore effective options. It’s a path that can allow us to experience levels of love, peace and freedom that we really don’t want to give up – hence the concern provoking the question.

And thankfully, we don’t have to.

The path of Waking The Wild includes Ascension and it’s also one of Descension… to body, the earth and soul… The magnificent experience we chose to come here for.

We can walk the Descension path with full awareness that it’s a manifestation of the One and therefore can be seen as purely an illusion… and if we can live with that level of paradox… why take all the fun out of this beautiful game by continually telling ourselves it’s only an illusion?

Ascension allows us to experience our unity – the divine love we are all made of – and Descension allows us to experience our uniqueness – who we came here to be in this lifetime.

We are all both one *and* many… the drop and the ocean.

Nowadays, the majority of our clients come from a 3Ps background and it can be a real benefit, that experience of non-separation provides them with a safety net to dive deep into their uniqueness of their soul, with all the shadow and gold it brings.

So now I have a question for you… Are you ready to hold that much paradox? ️

P.S. I speak about all of this and more in this If it’s all about Thought: What about feelings?

Coming up in 2024 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to GO DEEPER.

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