Are you satisfied?

Are you satisfied?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’ve been spending a lot of time this week feeling awe and appreciation for my work… it feels strange to call it a business, even though that’s what it is… it’s just that it’s really so much more than that, it’s an embodiment and expression of my very soul.

This photo of me was taken 13 years ago on a work night out… way back in my corporate days.

It was a great job (really great – I was working on the most innovative development possible in that environment) with a truly great team of people.

I was as happy and fulfilled as I believed it was possible to feel.

Yes, there was chronic pain, anxiety and a constant feeling of searching for something… some kind of real meaning… but I knew compared to most people (and I did a lot of comparing to make sure) I was extremely fortunate.

I felt like the personification of the line from the best Hamilton song (yes it is the best one, fight me) “…I’m never satisfied”. I sometimes wondered if I just needed to get with the program that everyone around me seemed to have already gotten with.

It took the death of my father and an awakening of sorts for me to stumble onto my spiritual path, to be liberated from the pain and anxiety and eventually to discover the meaning I’d been searching for – though I’d now call it soul.

It took several more long years to get to the point where I was truly being my soul medicine and people were flocking to receive it and telling their friends about it too.

I’m not an especially material girl per se… I’m more interested in how money is being created and what it’s being used to create… but still, getting to the point where my corporate salary was surpassed was a big milestone. A final validation of: Yes, it’s possible to live from soul and for it to be seen to have real value in the world too.

I look back on the woman in this photo and l want to whisper in her ear “That meaning you’re searching for? Trust yourself, it’s real and you will find it. Don’t shame yourself into being satisfied with anything less.”

Maybe somehow I’ve done that… maybe I’ve whispered back through the years.

Or maybe it’s you who needs to hear it.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

#wildmedicine #soulwork #rewilding #wildwoman #purpose #meaning


What needs to die?


One for my 3Ps friends ♥️