What needs to die?

What needs to die? 

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler.

Modern life today is all about more, more, more. And so is the natural world.

The difference is: nature has death baked right in, whereas death has become such a cultural taboo we’ll do anything to avoid it in almost all its forms (whilst subconsciously seeking it in others).

When we aim to be more, do more or have more without also allowing something to die, we pay the price… typically, we either don’t get the expansion we desire or we get it and it becomes a poisoned chalice.

Before we go further let’s assume the kind of expansion we’re talking about is a heart-felt, soul-led desire… life’s too short to spend speaking of other kinds.

The kind of death that serves us in soulful expansion can come in many forms: the ending of relationships, letting go of aspects of our identity, dropping of comfortable old habits, or walking away from work that’s no longer aligned.

Which sounds fiiiiine… in theory.

And most of us will fight it tooth and nail in practice, at least at first.

There’s a line in Alison Nappi’s Baba Yaga “You will sacrifice what you fought for because it is not the treasure you thought it was…”

Notice the word ‘sacrifice’ – it’s not a word that gives a nice, warm glow, is it?

It brings to mind blood, Gods, offerings and death, definitely death.

There’s a point we realise that it’s time to let something die whilst simultaneously realising it’ll be a real sacrifice. And because it’s a sacrifice, it won’t feel easy… often it’ll feel anything but.

So then fear shows up to whisper that it’s not the right thing, the right time and that we’re deluded to think all the magical signs and synchronicities that have led us here were anything more than common or garden coincidences.

This is when having a crystalline vision of your soul’s desire can make all the difference between folding or forging on.

One of the dictionary definitions for sacrifice is “an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.”

When we can see that our soul’s vision is more important or worthy than the sacrifice, the path ahead becomes clear.

Not easy but clear.

What is your soul calling you to that’s important or worthy?

And what needs to die?


PS **Very** hot off the press… we will soon be creating our first ever crucible all about how you can start living from soul, a beautiful breadcrumb on the path of Waking the Wild. And at your own pace online, priced to be as accessible as possible. It will be overflowing with the teaching and practices that we use personally to live in this deeply magical way. Keep an eye on our Go Deeper page.

Art: Mat Reding, Unsplash

#soulwork #death #soul #purpose #rewilding #babayaga #wildwoman #divinefeminine


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