A sign to fully Honour and Receive my Owl spirit

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Just over a year ago, I went on a wild wander and asked for a special feather as a sign that I should devote to shamanism (despite my great resistance)… I followed my belly button down a dry stream bed that I never normally walk along, and found a whole dead buzzard.


I honoured and received Buzzard spirit fully, I got the message and I took the action my soul was calling me to.


I went on a walk today and realise I hadn’t found a special feather for a while.


I asked for a feather to show I’m still on the right path and an indication of my next step, I turned the corner… and was gifted this beautiful owl.


There’s a deeper story about the owl, the dark and my magical path that was revealed to me last week so this is more precious than I can share here… suffice to say, I am honouring and receiving Owl spirit fully, I got the message and I will take the action my soul is calling me to.


We are so guided, so loved, so supported… in ways that are beyond the mind’s understanding but can be felt fully when we’re open and courageous enough to live from our hearts.


P.S. If you’re feeling the call to do life your way and want me as your guide back to yourself, Waking The Wild Medicine, beginning early 2022, could be for you. Register your interest here and we will reach out to arrange a conversation with me or Jonathan soon.


P.P.S. if you haven’t watched last year’s Wild Medicine webinar, that could be a good place for you to start.

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