Sweet darkness ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“You must learn one thing.

The world was made to be free in

Give up all the other worlds

except the one to which you belong.”

These words from David Whyte’s Sweet Darkness, one of my favourite poems, are playing around my mind today.

In order to create what our heart desires, we also need to release what it doesn’t but that we’ve understandably, innocently clung to for security, approval and control.

The releasing is rarely easy but it becomes more and more a choiceless choice as we begin to see the shimmering spires, mythical beasts and enchanted woods of the world to which we belong.

We see that world more clearly from a place we most fear and will resist going to, and yet…

“Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet

confinement of your aloneness

to learn

anything or anyone

that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.”

Art: Cat Girl by Frank Frazetta


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