This is what busy looks like 🌹

By Lian Brook-Tyler

This week has been one of the most intense I’ve experienced for a long time… we’re in the final (final, final!) stages of rebirthing as Waking The Wild, inside and out, as well as every part of our ongoing business needing attention. As Jonathan described it: it feels like we’re surrounded by hungry mouths that need feeding.


Not much more than 10 years ago that would have had me…

  • Fear-fantasising on what could go wrong

  • Hyper-focusing on “how”

  • Double down on doing

  • Barking orders to unfortunate souls who dared to come close

  • Feeling resentful for always having to “be the one who handles everything”

  • Meanwhile the shadows creating those behaviours would have been speaking physically too, via heart palpitations, panic attacks and chronic facial pain burning away in my jaw


Whereas this week…

  • I’ve focused (and refocused when fear showed up) on what I desire

  • I’ve allowed magic synchronicities to show me the way

  • I’ve had as much play and rest as usual (actually more: I was at the spa on Monday), and only taken action when it’s aligned

  • I’ve told and shown family, friends, team members, clients and students and podcast guests how much I love them

  • I’ve felt full of appreciation for all the support I have

  • I recorded my ROSE mantra (Relax, Open, Soften, Express) for the women in our Medicine and Sovereign circles, and I meant every word of it because that’s how my body feels


When I speak of the rose-infused, rose-tinted way I live it isn’t just fanciful, whimsical frippery (not that I’m knocking that: I’m here for it), it is the most practical and effective way I know to create whatever I want whilst feeling wonderful.


And these days, it’s the ‘feeling wonderful’ part that matters most to me, knowing it’s for the highest good of all.


I’m unashamed to say that Spirit of the Rose has had her way with me and I’ll happily live and die held in her blooms.


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Sweet darkness ♥️


A Peek of the Glorious Wild