The easy answers

By Lian Brook-Tyler

We’ve become so used to having answers on tap… from other people, books, Google and AI… and sometimes for some questions and some people, this is fine - at one level anyway.

It’s not so fine when we learn to always look in those places for answers and it’s not even close to fine at the level of the soul.

For many questions, especially the deep questions, the questions that really matter, the questions that affect the course of our lives… The answers won’t often be found there.

Shamanism brings many blessings to the people called to it, but the one that I’ve come to see as perhaps the most healing and transformative is how it brings people back to themselves, their soul, the land and Spirit… and how they become the places to look for answers.

It can be frustrating for people when they set foot on the shamanic path, asking their teacher a question and hearing “Do a drum journey.”, “Go be with your tree.”, “That’s between you and Spirit.”, “Ask your guides.”, “Sit with the fire.” It can seem evasive and obtuse.

But little by little, we learn to stop asking our teachers and begin going to the places the real answers lie, whilst simultaneously becoming more and more able to be in the mystery when no answers are forthcoming.

I’ve long held Rilke’s words close…

“…be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Because most of all, shamanism brings us closer to living everything, humble and shining, and to one day… dying well and complete.

All my love and blessings as you live your own myth.


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The end 💫


Spirit, The Work and being our Medicine