The *REAL* reason to join Medicine

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I was just pondering some of the reasons that people have joined Waking The Wild Medicine in the past couple of years…

✨To discover their purpose

✨To connect deeply with a circle of like-minded people

✨To peel back the layers over their authentic selves

✨ To heal themselves from pain and shame

✨ To make a living in a way that feels congruent

✨ To stop putting themselves and their dreams last

All good reasons… and they’ve created all of those things.

But the heart of this work, and the real reasons their soul called them to it, is that they learn to trust...

🌟 Their uniqueness

🌟 Their connection to Spirit

🌟 Their power

🌟The archetype/s their soul chose to embody this lifetime

🌟 Their bone-deep knowing of how to create ritual and ceremony

🌟 Their relationship with their guides and helpers

🌟 Their magical gifts

So this work of Waking The Wild Medicine is really about awakening their gnosis of who they really are… A magical one with potent Medicine for the world…. And becoming that.

We’ve just opened enrolment for Medicine ‘23... if you’d like to know more, all the details to learn more and to book a call are in the link in the comments, and do feel free to drop me a message, I’m always happy to explore whether it might be right for you.

P.S. If the real reason terrifies you, I really hear you… it took me two years to even feel ready to *hold* this smudge fan, let alone to use it!

Jonathan bought it for me many years ago, knowing long before I did, there was a Wild Priestess within me, and foreseeing the twists and turns my path would take from non-dual spirituality into real magic and shamanism.

The good news for you is you will have his deep Seeing of you too, as well as the guidance and modelling that I was desperately in need of back then.

We’ve got you.

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The story of when I was a boy


Heal your wounds, Share your scars.🖤