Time to reclaim your magic from the witch wound?

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

My work with clients entails helping them to reclaim their gold from shadow, and specifically with my ‘Medicine Women’ (one of the most required and most forgotten Feminine archetypes) it’ll entail them expanding beyond the Witch Wound, whose claws have been gripped around their mouths, keeping them nice, quiet, normal and distinctly unmagical, and therefore safely hidden.

Note: you don’t need to identify as a witch (I don’t) for this wound’s shadow to loom large, especially when it comes to you stepping into your Soul Work and being your Medicine.

If, when you speak of allowing yourself to be seen in all your unique magic, you find yourself laughingly using phrases like:

“Eek! I might get burned at the stake!”

“I can imagine being chased out of the village!”

“I feel I could get drowned for saying that!”

That’s our ancient friend the Witch Wound speaking. And those things you’re laughing about are really no joke. You know that fear in your bones, don’t you?

You can thank her, she’s doing her best to remind you of the very real dangers of being seen in all your full glory.

And… the 16th century wants her back.

She’s well intentioned but out of date… what would have once got you into all kinds of hot water, now almost certainly won’t.

You’re :: safe :: here :: now.

…BREATHE, sweet one…

Now try this millennium on for size.

I often talk about looking for just the next breadcrumb on your path. *This* breadcrumb is an invitation to…

Show yourself a little

Speak your truth a little

Let your magic shine a little

And then look out for your next breadcrumb of the guides, helpers and all manner of synchronistic signs that will let you know it’s your time to be your Medicine.

“It may be the first day of your life, the prime of youth or several decades in, when Medicine Woman calls you. Your name on her list. Her new initiate. She crept in whilst you were sleeping, when you over-exerted, when you kissed him, or ate that, or lived there or pushed too hard just one time too many. She crept in and curled up in your cells, your heart, waiting to meet you. Longing to know you. Longing for you to know her, at last.” Lucy H. Pearce.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper


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