“We only have 18 summers with our children…”

                                           Art: Thiiago Cerqueira

by Lian Brook-Tyler

“We only have 18 summers with our children…” 💔

You might have seen these thought-provoking words before.

They are only partially true (because who knows how things will turn out, time with anyone is not guaranteed, we might have abundantly more, we might have heart-breakingly less, we might have soul-achingly none at all), and grasping onto or for anything is rarely a recipe for peace.

I also know they can trigger guilt and shame at not doing enough and/or doing the right things with our children - which is not my intention. ♥️

But was a sense of a deeper innate truth in those words, long before I saw them, that inspired us to arrange our lives so that I might be with our children, including during the holidays, and especially for the summer.

This summer, those words have been more present for me than ever before… My son turns sixteen next month, entering the bardo of not quite an adult and not quite a child, and he spent a whole month of the summer away in Cambodia.

Looking at a photo I took with him yesterday (which turned out to the only one I took of anything the whole day), standing shoulder to shoulder for the first time, brought me home to the bitter sweet innocence of trying to capture these precious moments, which will drift on down the stream of time anyway.

The Rose Quest, which has been my devotion for so many years, is one of learning, healing and expanding into complete receptivity, I am so grateful that it’s now showing me how, when and why to let go of my boy so that he might become a man, just as I prepare to guide other women into their own soul’s quest with the Rose.

This quest is certainly not for every woman, there is a alignment and readiness for this work that is only for some souls and even then only at the right time in that lifetime but you’ll know if you are feeling the call to Her.

I don’t know how this quest will show up for you or any of the women joining me, that is a gnosis that is beyond me, only that this is the most excruciatingly testing but miraculously powerful of all the medicine that I’m blessed to take and serve.



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Six years later…


Why drink the disgusting medicine of humility?