Six years later…

by Lian Brook-Tyler

Six years later… ️

Six years ago, these (and three more women who couldn’t be with us but were in soul) gathered together in circle for the very first Waking The Wild Feminine that I’d ever created.

That circle lived into the quote I was following as a North Star back then…

“To discover who she is, a woman must trust the places of darkness where she can meet her own deepest nature and give it voice… sharing it with the women around her as she comes to a true and certain sense of herself.”

Judith Duerk

The changes in all of us over those years are profound. And I don’t say that to claim credit… every time women circle, each one (and I really mean each one) brings medicine for the others… Sometimes that medicine isn’t palatable or even visible for many years, and sometimes even then, we aren’t ready to take it.

But when we are and do, the numinous threads woven by the sisters in that circle shimmer, and show us the way back to our soul - no matter how long it’s been since the circle ended.

I am just about to call in the first women’s circle since the final Waking The Wild Feminine three years ago… (I didn’t intend for it to be the final one, just when it closed, I received clear, and not especially welcome, guidance to wait until what was next was shown to me.)

I now understand why I needed to wait, I needed to be grave-initiated, myth-wrought, star-taught, and heart-ruptured ready for what the Rose was calling me to… As I was sharing with the women yesterday, this will be a muuuuch darker expression of the Feminine than I’ve ever gathered women to before.

It feels soothingly synchronistic that Duerk’s words above speak about darkness too… I hadn’t realised that until now.

But this expression of the Feminine is dripping in snake, peat and musk, and She leads the way to midnight-veiled jewels that only a few women can even recognise as such, let alone long for.

I have waited, still not quite sure if I was ready, or if other women are ready… And then yesterday, witnessing the wisdom, love and beauty emanating from each woman brought me present to the reason to do this.

Maybe I wasn’t ready and they weren’t ready back then either… But over those months in circle, and then over these six years, we were, we are.

What an honour, what a blessing.


Photo: taken by our exquisite host Elizabeth Lovius, thank you for making this happen, and for your vital part in making WTWF happen too.

P.S. Here’s the link to my upcoming circle The Rose Quest for those who felt a glimmer of recognition as I described it, but it really and truly won’t be for most women, and I am very happy to recommend other women who run deep soulful sister circles instead, including Kate Motley, one of our sisters who couldn’t be with us yesterday.


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