What’s in your mind’s eye? 👁

By Lian Brook-Tyler

As part of the work we do to unite people with their soul, I lead them through journeys into different experiences.

Some of these journeys are called guided visualisations, though I’ve known for many years that not everyone can visualise clearly and I’m continually adapting how I create these experiences to powerfully work for people who hear, feel or know instead of see.

Despite that, a year or so ago, when guiding my children to meet different archetypes, I was shocked to discover that whereas my daughter is hyper-visual like I am, my son has aphantasia - which means he has no inner images. He says he just knows something is there in his mind’s eye and can feel it but can’t see it at all.

It’s a pretty rare thing, only around 2.5% of people have it. Interestingly, several notable people who have it are creatives, several are authors and a couple are in animation such as Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar!

This month, my children and I have agreed to embark on training in Silva Ultramind. Silva is called dynamic meditation but really it’s more like self hypnosis and much of it involves visualisation.

I just hadn’t considered that when inviting my son to take part and it’s a lesson of its own for me to witness him find his own way to work with the practices.

When Vishen (Lakhiani - it’s the new Mind Valley version we’re doing) says “Now six feet in front of you, picture…” Whilst my daughter and I are busy visualising in full technicolour, my son is describing to himself what he wants to visualise and then instead of seeing it, he feels it in his body - both emotions and sensations. So much so, when he was visualising passing his driving test in today’s training, he kept nudging my thigh - I looked down and realised he was so deep in the experience of driving the car, he was actually changing gears and the gearstick was next to my leg!

When we compared our experiences afterwards, it was clear he had had just as powerful an experience as my daughter and I - possibly more so as he’d felt so much.

It seems to me that the many forms of neurodivergence all have beauty, potency and necessity, even if we don’t yet understand what or why.

Vishen quoted Napoleon Hill earlier “Spirituality is nothing more than physics that we have yet to find the equation for.”

I would say that neurodivergence is a way that Spirit is working through different souls for the greatest good of us all. And in a culture largely bereft of a knowing of soul and Spirit, it’s no wonder we have yet to understand that, let alone find the equation for it.

Thankfully, it’s working through us anyway.


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