Your Medicinal Chocolates : The key to a sweeter life

By Lian Brook-Tyler



There was a point a few years ago when finally… everything began to work.

Every group program we offer fills quickly and our 1: 1 programs are full until next year, they’re a dream for us to create and they deliver all the transformation intended, seeming miracles, in some cases.

I’m frequently told we make things look easy.


So what created this Holy Grail of joy, ease and magic?

Letting go of everything that wasn’t aligned to us (no matter how comfortable, approval-giving, admiration-garnering, effective or lucrative it was) … and doing so over and over again until we were bared right down to our souls.

And simultaneously saying YES to all of the Material for Liberation that came our way … submitting to choices, teachings and practices that honed our natural gifts (no matter how painful, ego-smushing, costly, unchartered or culturally frowned upon they were) .

So, let me tell you… doing what was needed to be available to become the Medicine we came here to be did * not * come easily.

But now, being that Medicine? That flows like melted chocolate.

(No wonder it looks easy. )


If you’re ready to walk this path too, we can guide the way, which means it doesn’t need to take as long or be quite so torturous as it was for us.

We’re beginning to explore who will be joining us for the next Waking The Wild Medicine in Jan ’22.

The current one is exceeding all of our dreams for it… any adjectives I use will sound like hyperbole, whilst not coming close to the truth of the depth of transformation that is occurring.

It’s hard to believe the next one will be even more powerful but that’s how these things go, so it will be.

Register your interest now and you’ll be the first to know when it opens for enrollment.

Your unique medicinal chocolate awaits. ♥ ️

 Places to come join us:


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What gold is buried deep in your shadow


Want to be stuck in the middle with me..?