How to use human design to create more loving relationships

This week’s show is with Damien Bohler. Damien is the founder and current director of Evolutionary Relating – an educational platform dedicated to transforming culture through evolving the way we relate to ourselves, to each other, to vocation and purpose and the natural world.

In his core he is an investigator. He is deeply fascinated by the way things work in this human realm. His interests span the exploration of intimacy, love, sexuality, attachment, polarity, human design, integral theory, permaculture, community living and more. His gift is in the ability to synthesise, articulate and transmit dense and disparate information and delights in doing so through the mediums of writing, facilitating, teaching and coaching.

In this conversation, Damien and I explored the possibility of using Human design as a lens on understanding ourselves and others so that we might individuate and work better with others to create more loving relationships, which ultimately serve the world.

To make the most use of this episode, it would be worthwhile to have your chart alongside (you can get a free one online) that you can reference as we go as Damien goes into some really helpful details about the most important elements of HD.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.


What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • HD is helpful to create more intimacy because understanding ours and other people's uniqueness allows us to individuate and then discover how we can bring our gifts to each other

  • I loved Damien's explanation of the rationale of HD being determined by our time and place of birth: netrinos are moving through space all the time, they are so fast and small that they can pass through solid objects including planets, they carry specific information determined by the planets they pass through and thefore the position of planets at the time and place of our birth, when we're no longer buffered by our mother's body, is what determines what information will be downloaded into our brand new clean system

  • For many of us, knowing our aura type Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Projector or Reflector, and that of the people we're close to can create a beautiful foundation for more understanding and intimacy

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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