How women can help men grow and heal

This week's show is with Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland. Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland are both Co-directors of Celebration of Being Limited.

Debbie has been involved with Celebration of Being since 2003 and facilitates the workshops with Gina. She holds the vision and management of COB and is passionate about sharing this work with others.

She is an accredited counsellor and family constellation facilitator working with individuals, couples and children. She is mother to three beautiful daughters and has a wealth of training and life experience to draw on in her work.

Debbie specializes in working with Trauma and its impact on people’s way of being in the world. She support’s people to reclaim and integrate aspects of themselves and remember their essence and access their magnificence so they can create a life that expresses all of who they are. This allows them to shine and radiate their love to make a difference in the world and inspire others to do the same.

Gina, on the other hand has been involved with Celebration of Being since 1999. She facilitates the workshops with Debbie. She is a qualified counsellor and has been practicing for over 20 years; her methods and skills are deeply rooted in her own life experience and ongoing personal development.

As a lover of truth and a devotee of reality, she loves to support others in living an authentic and passionate existence, embracing the divine with-in the ordinary and integrating this into everyday life.

Her life’s purpose, along with being a conscious mother and grandmother, is reminding others of their true nature by continuously pointing towards what is ever present and already free.

Her love of presence and passion for community continues to inspire and motivate her life’s work with individuals, groups and with-in the beautiful, loving and expanding Celebration of Being community in the UK.

In this conversation, we spoke about the power of women holding space for and supporting men to heal, which was inspired by a line on their website: "A loving compassionate woman can reconnect a man to his greatness faster than any other force in the world.", we spoke about the power of circle, rites of passage and creating spaces of love and acceptance within which men can heal.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.


What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Debbi and Gina provide the womb-like space of acceptance, warmth and compassion that provides the safety that allows men to drop their coping mechanisms and do the healing work they need

  • So much of trauma is pre-verbal and in order to get access to the place it's held often requires the help of The Mystery, of Spirit, to work through us, even if we can't fully understand how it works

  • There's a lot in the media now about how women have been wounded by men, and yet Debbi and Gina have seen so many examples of where men have been wounded by women and the impact that's had on them. Because of the cultural narrative, it can be challenging for men to find spaces to share their experiences but it's so healing when they can

  • I loved what Debbie said about how when men experience women being devotional, honouring and respectful, it activates something in them that allows them to have a different experience of the Masculine and themselves as men

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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