How to use the runes as a mirror to yourself and a window to the mystery - James Stratton-Crawley

This week’s show is with James Stratton-Crawley, also known as Tyriel, a writer, designer and musician, creator of Rune Secrets, a popular website, bringing light to contemporary rune practices with the technology of today.

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Tyriel is a multi-passionate creative known for his in-depth work on the runes, their meanings, and practical usage. He is the author of 'The Book of Rune Secrets', and his latest work 'Questioning the Runes: Confronting Our Hidden Stories' is his opus to the subject, highlighting the role of our masterful capacity for the story-telling played in guiding our lives. He is also a prolific and playful composer.

In this show, Tyriel and Lian explored using the runes in an intentional alchemical way for self-illumination, healing, and growth.

Tyriel shared his own journey into spirituality, which began after experiencing a severe manic episode and hospitalisation. His desire to heal and understand himself led him to the runes and to learning how to use them in service of questioning everything and meeting the shadow within.

Tyriel explained that runes are like lenses through which one can see the universe and access the timeless wisdom and hidden parts of oneself, emphasising the importance of asking questions, not only in working with ancient technology like the runes but in the age of AI too.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Different divination tools have their own unique energy and can call to us at different times in our lives - though we focused on the runes in this episode, much of what we spoke about could be applied to other systems.

  • Runes are symbols that represent gateways to the unknown, asking deep questions and using the runes as a mirror can help explore hidden parts of oneself.

  • At any time but maybe now especially in the age of artificial intelligence, asking questions and seeking answers is crucial for personal growth and societal progress.

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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