Everything You Always Wanted To Ask Us... Vision Quests, England, mirrors & love! - Lian & Jonathan

This week’s show is with Be Mythical co-founders, Lian Brook-Tyler and Jonathan Wilkinson.

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Transcript is here: episode464transcript

In this conversation, a special 10-year episode of the podcast, Lian and Jonathan reflect on their journey, including the deep unfolding of the show itself, and answer listener questions posed to each of them.

They discuss the organic and spontaneous nature of starting the podcast and the importance of trusting their intuition, the dedication and vision it has taken to be consistent over so many years.

The personal and thought-provoking questions they asked and answered were:

  • If you had to drop all your different practices and only keep one - what would it be and why?

  • Looking back on the past 10 years, what are you most proud of? And is there anything you regret or would like to have done differently?

  • If you could give one piece of guidance to a young man who is struggling with life, what would it be?

  • What is something about you that you’ve rarely or never spoken about publicly before that you feel ready to speak about now?

  • If you could go back in time 10 years ago and tell yourself something at the outset of this podcasting journey what would that be?

  • If you could whisper into everyone’s ear in the world at the same time in whatever their language is what would that be?

  • What was the most powerful experience of your life?

  • Where is the most magical place you have been?

  • If you were trapped on a desert island what one item, spiritual or not, would you bring?

In responding to these questions, Jonathan and Lian talked about the power of vision quests and the impact they can have on personal growth and maturity, the concept of mirrors and how they can provide deep self-reflection, finding beauty in suffering, and the magic of the English land.

The conversation concludes with a powerful message of love and self-discovery.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Looking back on the reason the podcast began shows the importance of trusting intuition and following the organic and spontaneous nudges that show up along the way.

  • Many of their answers came back to the importance of self-discovery and the different ways we can walk the path of knowing thyself

  • And now a question for you, the listener, imagine if you could be transported in time to a decade into the future and take a look at your future self, living your own soul’s truth… What would you see? And what does that require of you now?

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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