Neurodivergent parenting: How to journey into self-discovery, acceptance & ancestral healing - Jessica DiRuzza

This week’s show is with Jessica DiRuzza MFT. Jessica is a depth psychotherapist, astrologer, and teacher, as well as a wife, and badass mama. For over 15 years, she has worked lovingly and collaboratively with individuals, couples, and groups on their embodied transformative journeys. Her life’s calling is to integrate the insights and wisdom of astrology and psychology to support humans living the most meaningful lives they can with the precious time they have here. She offers sessions online with people from around the world and from all walks of life.

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Jessica received her Master’s in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she wrote her thesis on shame and the reclamation of the feminine voice. She earned her bachelor’s from California Institute of Integral Studies where she studied and taught archetypal astrology and transpersonal psychology. Together with her husband, Travis, they co-founded Trust Psyche School of Astrology and Depth Psychology, which offers a full astrological curriculum, from beginner to professional, with a beloved community of students from over 25 countries. They would love for you to come live astrology with them.

In this episode, Lian and Jessica go unexpectedly deep on the topic of neurodivergent parents, parents of ND children, and really, so much of what they spoke about is relevant to all parents who are devoted to honouring their own and their children’s wild souls.

They’d actually planned to record on a completely different topic (astrology and psychotherapy - which they’ve now recorded too!) but within two minutes of getting on the call, Lian mentioned that she’d seen that they’re both autistic, they began sharing their own experiences and that with their children that brought tears to their eyes.

They realised that it was the topic they needed to speak about first - and it turned out to be an incredible and moving episode, that went in some deep, painful, and thought-provoking places… places that bring us face to face with our conditioning and wounding… places that we believe anyone on the path of soul needs to go at some point, ND or not.

They explored the journey of self-discovery and acceptance of being autistic, and how it relates to individuation, parenting and ancestral healing, and the role of parents in breaking the cycle of masking, misunderstanding and abuse, and promoting unconditional love and acceptance.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Creating a safe and accepting environment for neurodivergent children to be themselves is crucial for their well-being and growth but we also need to go first as parents, and devote to a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance for ourselves too.

  • One of the most challenging aspects of this journey is understanding that being true to oneself can have impacts and consequences - learning discernment is important.

  • When we are able to love and accept ourselves as neurodivergent people, we are healing our lineage too, the generations that came before us and will come after us.

Resources and stuff spoken about:

  • Visit Jessica’s website to learn more about her mission and offerings.

  • Jessica offers a 30% affiliate network commission on the sale of online courses. Contact to receive a personalized embeddable link to their products that will track any sales you send their way.

  • Subscribe, listen, and follow Jessica: YouTube | Podcast | IG

  • Join UNIO, the Academy of Sacred Union. This is for the old souls in this new world… Discover your kin & unite with your soul’s calling to truly live your myth.

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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