Spirit teachers: How to hear and learn from them - Jonathan Horwitz

This week’s show is with Jonathan Horwitz. Jonathan was born in the USA and has lived in Scandinavia for over half his life. He has been actively working with shamanism since 1972, was a teacher and field researcher at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for 10 years and has a master’s degree in anthropology.

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In 1986, Jonathan co-founded the Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies and has been teaching internationally ever since, in Russia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Sweden and the UK. He has been a frequent contributor to Sacred Hoop magazine and served for some years as European Editor for Journal of Shamanic Practice. He lives with his partner Zara in the woods of southern Sweden at Åsbacka, their home and retreat centre.

Jonathan is known for his grounded, present and warm teaching style. He sees shamanism as a spiritual path and his main focus is shamanic healing, spiritual ecology and shamanic community work. As a teacher, he feels his role is to help people find the road to the Spirit world, encourage them to accept the power offered, and learn how to bring power back to the physical world.Shamanism is about life. Life is change. Shamanism is change with power. 

In this show, Jonathan and Lian explore the topic of learning from spirit teachers.

They begin with Jonathan’s own story of attempting to live a more conventional life before realising that it wasn’t his true path, that alongside some profound and also disruptive experiences, led him to explore the spiritual realms.

Jonathan also discusses discovering his path of shamanism through his friend, well-known shamanic teacher and author, Michael Harner, which went on to inspire him to embrace the practice of learning from spirit teachers.

Lian and Jonathan spoke about the transition from learning from human teachers to spirit teachers, stressing the need for patience, trust, and openness in this ongoing process, which can last a lifetime!

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Working with spirit teachers requires patience, trust, and openness to learn their language and receive their teachings - they may not come in the form we expect or want

  • The transition from learning from human teachers to learning from spirit teachers is a natural progression in the shamanic path, though it’s one we can either rush towards or resist.

  • The teachings from spirit teachers are vast and endless, and there is always more to learn.

Resources and stuff spoken about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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